تخطي أوامر الشريط
التخطي إلى المحتوى الأساسي
    الإنجاز التاريخ
    محتوى تجريبي للإنجازات24/ربيع الأول/1436 هـ
    "The disclosure of Operational Risk in Tunisian Insurance companies", The Journal of Operational Risk, Summer 2011, Vol.6, n°2, pp 69-111.11/ذو القعدة/1432 هـ
    "The determinants of Frequency and Severity of Operational Losses in Tunisian Insurance Industry", The Journal of Risk Finance, Vol.13, n°5, pp 438-475.29/محرم/1434 هـ
    "The Major sources of Operational Risk and the Potential benefits of its Management", The Journal of Operational Risk, Winter 2013, Vol.7, n°4. pp 71- 92.17/صفر/1435 هـ
    "The Correspondence Analysis between the Key Indicators and Events of Operational Risk: A Case Study of Insurance Sector in Tunisia", The International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management. Vol. 17, n°. 228/صفر/1435 هـ
    Hemrit W., (2014), "Le cout de l'intermediation bancaire et processus de desintermediation", Editions universitaires europeennes. Amazon.fr.23/رمضان/1435 هـ
    " Operational and Liquidity Risk Reporting incentives: Evidence from Tunisian Banking and Insurance sectors in the Post-Revolutionary Period', Forthcoming in the Int. Journal of Finance and Accounting.20/ذو القعدة/1436 هـ
    "وتطبيقات نظريات ،المخاطر وإدارة التامين مبادئ" In Progress هـ
    The impact of Government Spending for economic sectors on non-oil GDP in Saudi Arabia هـ
    الإفصاح عن المخاطر التشغيلية في المصارف الإسلامية والتجارية بالمملكة العربية السعودية: تطبيق لتحليل المحتوى للتقارير السنوية هـ
    The inter and intra Relationship Between Economics and management and Other Social Science Disciplines هـ
    The dynamic and dependence of stock returns behaviors: Evidence from insurance sector in Saudi Arabia هـ
